Wednesday, October 6, 2010

5-Hour Energy

The five hour energy ad in the link below promises that there will be no “2:30” feeling when you consume their product. This “2:30” feeling they are referring to is that of being sleepy or groggy because at 2:30 in the afternoon it’s fair to say a typical person’s day is half over. Their target audience in this ad is the work force, the average citizen in America or anywhere in the world this ad my air, that works a nine to five job Monday through Friday. The commercial not only claims to get rid of that 2:30 feeling but to do it better than other common products that people already use to combat the 2:30 feeling like coffee and soda. They claim that because their product contains no sugar, unlike coffee and soda, so there is no crash later just five solid hours of energy. The ad makes the assumption that anyone and everyone who has ever worked an office job knows that in the afternoon you start to feel tired, groggy, and in need of a nap. This is seen in the first half of the commercial from 0:00 to 0:17 all of the office employees are skulking around as if they are about to collapse due to sleep deprivation. But after the spokesperson in the commercial introduces five hour energy and all the employees have used it they are happy and ready to finish their days work.

Link to the Commercial.

Link to my Comment.


  1. Good analysis! I like how you pointed out that everyone at the office was tired and sulking, as if every person who works needs a boost to get them through the day. Do Americans neccesarily need to rely on coffee, soda, and energy drinks to survive everyday life and not be depressed? This comercial is only feeding the need for a 'pick me up' and as a result caffine and soda have become this generations cigarette. Even without the sugar, is it any less addictive or healthy for you? That's what they should focus on.

  2. You took this simple little picture and put it into perfect words. The 2:30 feeling you mentioned is exactly what the reality of it is, I know the feeling. I agree that this is the new pick me up because it is so easy, it's right next to the cashier and its just a little shot with hours of energy. This is definitely a new standard for the workforce. It keeps everyone happy and feeling fresh all throughout the day.
